Posted by: Luis Silva | December 9, 2007

Some spyware problems

I have been having some spyware problems lately,  so I finally ordered an antispyware from this company called netcom3

you can check it here: 

In other news, I wont be writing much now because of the holidays, but will come back later in January.

The websites is running well and getting an ok amount of visitors. 


  1. Hi,
    Im curious, how did you decide on Netcom?
    Was it recommended or did you research similar products?

  2. Actually it was recommended by my brother, who handles the IT department of a city hall here in Portugal. I checked the website and liked the presentation, but what made me decide was the awards you can check at the order page.
    Has awards from cnet, pcplus, pcworld, microsoft and WUGNET shareware award, Pc advisor, and some others.
    Also the price is very alliciating

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